Summer has long been known as wedding season – but if you’re a couple whose been together a few years, it can feel like the season of pressure.
What I see with my private coaching clients is they’ve been in a relationship for 2-3 years, and one (or both) haven’t been getting their needs met.
So, when they go to a wedding they start comparing themselves to other relationships, what they think the have or don’t have, that they want.
That’s what then creates the pressure in a relationship and turns into argument like…
- “If you loved me you would…”
- “Why don’t you do _blank_ more often…”
Stop It!
What if it’s not about any body else? Or what they think of you as a couple?
It’s just about you and your partner.
Instead of comparing all the time, stop and think about what’s truly going to work for the two of you.
If you really want to take the relationship to the next level, or create the foundation for a long-lasting marriage, stop and evaluate how you are handling the relationships now.
Are you honoring each other? Have even you discussed marriage? Have you talked about the real issues? Have you asked for what you need?
I’ve found one common factor in relationships when the pressure is on:
We don’t talk enough. To each other. Or to ourselves.
And the pressure we start to create and build is actually coming from a place of FEAR.
Somewhere inside you have a fear that something isn’t going to happen.
Be brave enough to look at the fear.
What are you afraid will or won’t happen if you don’t act now?
Write down you fear and if you’re up to it, share it in the comments below (this is a no judgement zone!)
Remember, you are not alone. And I am here to support you when you need it.
Please Share Your Thoughts