Last week we talked about Just What the Heck is Trauma?
Did you get a chance to write down your trauma log? Sounds funny doesn’t it? A trauma log.
When I was asked to do this I was like OMG I can’t do that it will be ALL in print and I don’t think I want to look at it all. You see I knew I had experienced trauma and multiple types of trauma yet like any good ole seasoned trauma survivor I hid the truth and yet I would wear it in my frown, my brow, and the invisible yet THICK armor I put on each and every day. I thought I buried it yet I just kept putting it on layer after layer after layer. That is the baggage I refer to. It weighs you down. We wear it ON us and it’s IN us and we don’t go anywhere without it. We try and run away from it, stuff it, ignore it, and STILL we cannot run away from it .
It’s the double edged sword of the trauma itself. We do not want it to follow us YET we are the ones that choose to carry it EVERYWHERE we go.
Yes I said we CHOOSE to carry it wherever we go.
You might want to scream back at me right now and shout I DIDN’T rape myself, or I didn’t create this or you fill in the blank. The bottom line you want to scream that this isn’t what you would choose for yourself.
I GET IT. I DO. YET when we have trauma there is a part of us that simply holds on to it. It’s like it comes with the trauma. It’s a conscious or unconscious belief that if we let it go, move on, or are actually HAPPY that somehow it was OK what happened or we are NOT holding the abuser or person who created the trauma responsible. OR OR if we really move on WILL IT HAPPEN AGAIN. IF we take our eyes off of it all literally, figurately we will allow it to happen again. Because the real question at the core for all of us at some point is WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME?
It’s like a bitter wife or husband, employee or employer that just can’t let it go. Can’t move on.
We as trauma survivor’s hold on and we hold ourselves back.
NOW do not think for ONE minute I am assigning BLAME. YOU, ME and ANYONE with any trauma is blameless for what I am talking about.
Remember its SURVIVOR MODE. It comes with the territory.
However, at stome point we need to ask the following question:
Are You Ready To Release?
It’s the first step on the roadmap to recovery I discussed last week.
Do not answer TOO quickly. PLEASE. Your immediate response might be flippant or like F&&&& yes I am ready to let it go! Why do you think I have spent all this money on therapists and programs and fixes for this.
That is exactly why I want you to take YOUR TIME WITH THIS.
In this week’s Action Sheet I am going to ask some pretty serious and dig deep questions.
Click here to download this week’s Action Sheet.
Are you ready? Ready to find out if you are even the littlest bit ready to TRULY move on?
Remember if you are experiencing trauma from self abuse this still applies to you. If you are self abusing as a result of the traumas you have experienced by others this applies to you .
I encourage you to find resources for you to get support beyond here.
Remember this is not an end all to all of your trauma, this is a tool, the roadmap to support you on the journey from Traumatized to Empowered.
You deciding you are ready to release is a HUGE and mandatory first step in the process.
If you find that you are not ready to release then stop, accept it, comfort yourself knowing you know that and have compassion for yourself. SERIOUSLY. Knowing when you are ready for something and WHEN YOU ARE NOT is HUGE and a part of this process.
So next week we will discuss a bit about what you might have learned through the action sheet and then we will go to Step 2 – Reclaiming YOUR VOICE.
Resource Highlights for This Week
Tapping is by far one of the easiest things to learn and receive such quick results. I adore tapping and use it for myself, my kids and my clients.
Check out this video to help you understand more about it.
Watch this quick video that explains what it is and will help you decide if you want to research more about it.
Thyme Essential Oil
This week I wanted to share an oil that will help you be WILLING TO release and let go. Top on my list is Thyme.
It is one of the most powerful cleanser of the emotional body and assists in addressing trapped feelings which have been buried for a long time. It can reach deep within the body and soul searching for unresolved negativity.
Ready to truly release? Then try Thyme today!
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