Talking about change is one of my FAVORITE things to do. Yes I LOVE change. It wasn’t always like that. Recently, I have been playing around with new software and technology. So many options and ideas to choose from and explore.
Do you like to play around with options and ideas or is it more comfortable for you to pick a plan and stick with that? I was talking about change to a friend the other day. Lulu was in overwhelm mode and I asked what was the matter. I heard it in her voice (it was racing fast) I heard in her breath (heavy and fast) I heard it in her language (I can’t, what if, OMG etc) Does any of this sound familiar?
I can relate to it also. I can remember times in the past and not so distant past that my first “reaction” to a situation was OH no that can’t happen! OMG what are we going to do? When I was talking to Lulu and asking her questions she said to me “You know me, I just can’t take change.”
WOW. That is when it hit me. I used to say that to myself also. I was setting myself up for it to be hard, a struggle, and something I was SURE I couldn’t do. Change can be something we resist or we embrace. Have you heard the saying “what you resist, persists”? I can relate to this for sure.
Embracing change. What does that mean? For me it means practicing asking myself:
Wow I wonder what will happen in this situation?
I wonder how this will turn out?
I asked Lulu to pick another chair in the room. She said huh? I said, if you chose to look at this differently, if you chose to get up and move to another perspective, another look at it from a different place in the room [new chair] what would change?
She thought about it and said “well, maybe I would wait to see what the situation really involves instead of worrying about it all before I even know the details.” Wow, she got up and moved to a new chair in the room. Can you hear the difference?
Where could you do this in your life? What would be possible if you simply didn’t try and figure it all out, moved to a new chair and looked at it from a different perspective?
I invite you to begin practicing this in your life starting today. You can actually think of getting up and sitting down in a new chair and looking at it in a new way.
What else can you look at in a new way? Next week I am going to share an exciting program to begin looking at your food and connecting to your body. A chance to practice getting a new perspective.
I am excited for you to join me and until then, practice, practice, practice.
Let me know how its going. What your thoughts are and what NEW perspectives you get when you change chairs.
I would love to read your comments below.
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