Do you ever feel like you just can’t win?
Like you’re in a constant battle with the most important person in your life?
In today’s video, I’m going to share how to stop making assumptions – and stop the war within your relationship in the process.
You know the word “assumption” and what it really means when you “assume” – you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.
In so many of the couples I work with, there are billions of assumptions being made every day.
- “If he really loved me, he would know what I wanted.”
- “If she really knew me, she’d understand.”
- And so many more battles of the “if you really…”!
But really, it comes down to a battle of the egos.
And here’s what you do to fix it…
Get over it!
In most relationships, we don’t give our partners a chance to explain or define their statements. We hear it through our eyes and ears and then make up the story to match our perception.
Before you make up a story, ask them.
You lose nothing by saying sorry or asking a question in your relationship.
You’ll actually gain a lot more in return.
So, if you’re ready to create a fearless relationship and stop the war within – start asking questions.
Now I’d love to hear from you in the comments below: How would your relationships changed if you stopped “right” fighting and started listening with your heart and asking questions?
Deidra Wright on
Great message.