This past Friday I took a mini retreat and had a blast!
I went 24 hours with no interruptions, no one asking me for anything and it brought me so much happiness and joy.
But in today’s world of overwhelm and go, go, go! – how can you have joy among the chaos?
My first idea for you would be to make a Joy List.
If I want to know what love is, how would i know its there if I can’t recognize it?
Joy is the same way! But this is between you and yourself.
I believe there are moments of joy every day, in every hour, but if you don’t have it anchored in your heart – then it doesn’t get to nourish you to its fullest ability.
So if you’re ready to let joy nourish you, click play to learn how you can create your own Joy List!
Here’s a few examples (big and small) that bring me the most joy:
- When my 3-year-old stops whatever he’s doing and gives me a hug and kiss for no reason.
- My first cup of coffee in the morning while sitting on the deck, enjoying the quiet.
- When y 11-year-old picks up after himself.
- When I see someone else giving the right away on the road. When I see good manners, or experience good service.
- When I look out the window and see the trees go for miles and miles – I raised among these trees.
- When I see certain wrinkles on my face and know I earned them!
I could go on and on!
But it’s because I know it. I’ve written down what brings me joy. And so I notice it all day long.
We get so distracted, coming and going, and getting things demanded from us.
Let the joy in each day nourish you! These moments will fuel your day and allow you to live a happier, more fulfilled life.
Leave a comment below and let me know what’s on your Joy List!
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