So today the topic of INTEGRITY came up. I thought that can be my first blog post. What does integrity mean to me? There was a time in my life when I didn’t understand the word, or what a core value was. I don’t remember being taught this at home growing up. Yes, I remember being taught to tell the truth, to treat people how you want to be treated, etc…. However, I never remember the actual word. In my early 20s, I lived in such a way that all that mattered was that if I had a feeling I could get it to stop….because most of them didn’t feel good. I would try to “make” good feelings with food, dates and relationships…..I had a lot of friends yet not sure I ever really just felt understood or understood anyone else. It’s what I call living on the surface or surface living. Surface living doesn’t have much room or space or ideas about core values…..and for sure it didn’t involve integrity. So when did I become aware, really aware of what that meant? Well, first lets look at how some define it.
BrainyQuote used this as a definition:
Integrity The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory.
Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; — used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude.
Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity.
My definition: When I know that what I believe, think, feel and DO = MATCH.
That my insides and outsides are congruent with what I say I will do, I do…..what I say I will not do, I do not do….that I treat myself with the same principles of love, honesty and kindness as I treat others…That I count as much as anyone else……not better or worse yet that I count, my feelings matter and I act in a way that consistently supports all of the above. When I am doing that I am in integrity with myself and others…….
This is probably the biggest area of growth and understanding for me, about myself. That, for me, if I am in integrity within myself…..I am good……Others may or may not like that, agree with that, yet I trust myself, I know my core values now…..I lean on them. They guide me…they are me…..I trust my integrity……
So when did I become aware of the word and how it would help to guide me? When I began the journey of healing. When I became open to the possibility of having a different life out of pain and into a life of choice. When I began, one step at a time, to take responsibility for my life, my feelings, my actions, my choices………what I know now, is that it was always IN me…..IT, Integrity, was a part of my yearning for something different….it was guiding me when I didn’t even know it……I am grateful for the “knowing” I have of the journey today and how my core values help guide me….they are me……
So I would love to know what INTEGRITY means to you…….Let’s start a conversation……Let’s discover more of what it means to you…..Do you know when you are in integrity with YOURSELF? Or do you gauge it on your actions with others? Which comes first for you? Does it matter? Integrity………..
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Lovely looking blog page!!! I think you hit on a great topic for the first post. I have usually thought that integrity meant honesty and truthfulness. I see more levels of meaning in the word now.
The corporate world could use a HUGE injection of “integrity”!
What a wonderful post. The basis for who we are in all ways. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks everyone for your feedback…..and Lynn i live Oregon….I see clients by phone, Skype and in person….I love that my definition is allowing yours to expand……..
Hi Really powerful post good luck on all levels with your business.
I love this blog your thoughts on integrity really resonate with me I love your line “When i know that what i believe, think, feel and DO = MATCH ” For myself when Im in intergrity there is a feeling of ease and grace regardless of whats going on around me integrity also has the element of doing the right thing regardless of who’s watching. Look forward to reading more.
Thanks Tammy for your kind words and feedback Colette, i am so happy that you found my post and that it resonates with you……i love your definition……..a feeling of ease and grace……what a great thing…….
Thanks Tammy for your kind words and feedback Colette, i am so happy that you found my post and that it resonates with you……i love your definition……..a feeling of ease and grace……what a great thing…….
My practice is built around integrity… Your definition warms my heart… there is nothing constant in nature except change…. I get my integrity from nature… as the seasons change, the rains come and the sun shine nature with all her integrity adapts and thieves. Human nature that resist change become stagnant and lose their integrity. Congratulations on your first blog post… you inspire me to get on it… Aloha Donna Maltz … Your Choice to Change Coach. Aloha Karen