Lately, it seems as if there are WAY more things to do than there is time. Can you relate? I have lists in my head, on my desk at home and on my desk at work. Now lists usually work for me yet this got me to thinking. What if I didn’t have a list? What would happen? Would the world fall apart? Would I forget something like paying a bill or ??? How would I FOCUS?
How much trust was I putting in the list vs trusting myself?
I have a lot of clients asking me about this very thing “so much to do and so little time.” When I was researching this topic I found the typical information.
- Keep your list current
- Move all things from one day that are not done to the next day.
- You get my drift.
That is not what was swimming in my head.
What I realized is that I would keep a list, then if I didn’t get things done I would begin to beat myself up inside with my negative self-talk. It was subtle. Little feelings at first like:
- “What do you think you are doing?”
- “You can’t write something, for goodness sake you can’t even get the things done on your list”.
- “You can’t go and play, you have WORK to do, your list isn’t done.”
It would get louder and louder and then I would start doubting myself when I hadn’t doubted myself before. Has this happened to you?
I spent some time really thinking about what I do get done and what I am accomplishing and asked myself:
- “Are you happy with what you are doing?”
- “Are you doing your best and what you can do right now?”
- “Is there anything you really, honestly, feel in your heart of hearts, that you could or would do any differently?”
- “Are you blowing off time and just putting off doing things?”
My answers to those questions were Yes, I am very happy with what I am doing. I know in my heart of hearts I am absolutely doing the best I can and I know I am “focusing” on what I need to when I need to. Then why was I beating myself up? Awe it was The LIST!!!!!!!!!!
Also, there was the thought of “If people know I can’t complete my list they will think I am being Lazy or Not Doing Enough” BINGO!! There it was. It had nothing to do with the LIST or what I knew in my heart and soul.
It was my Fear and my Expectations of myself.
Can you relate? When I really took the time to ask myself the truth of how I really felt, I had the answer.
I knew then that I could trust myself and the calm returned and the negative self talk left.
Lovely Karen… so transparent and inspirational!
Thanks K.
That is my intention and love that is coming through. I appreciate the feedback.
Really great! Negative self talk is the beginning of our defeat and it all stems from fear. Love it! Congrats.