When I used to get anxious, or scared, all I could do was feel that feeling.
And I would continue to be wrapped up in that emotion until I could “fix it”.
And on those days that I couldn’t “fix it”? I’d completely shut down and call in sick.
Today I want to encourage you to become the CEO of your emotions.
When you become the CEO of your own emotions, and your emotional wellbeing, you become unstoppable.
I love to use the analogy of the Mountain Banshee in the movie Avatar. You need to connect to your emotions, your mountain, so you can learn to fly.
Once you get connected, you can let your emotions guide and support you. Instead of lead you.
Fear is just fear. It’s trying to love you – but it only knows how to be fear.
Going forward, try to hold and acknowledge all of your feelings, and remember that they are there to support you.
Now, I’d love to hear from you: What does being the CEO of your emotions mean to you? How would it feel to let your feelings support you, rather than lead you?
I do the same thing, shut down. I would love to learn how to control my feeling instead if letting them control me.
My biggest challenger emotion right now if FEAR. Fear of stepping off the cliff into entrepreneurship as my dominant income producing endeavor, as opposed to having a fulltime day job and trying to “fit in” my “side businesses.”