I have been thinking a lot about happiness. What does it mean, who has it, can you lose it, gain it?
Is happiness a temporary state? What does happiness mean to you? I began to wonder if happiness is a mixture of a BUNCH of emotions or states of being.
WHAT I DO KNOW is that you can learn to be happy. Isn’t that amazing? It’s a skill anyone can learn according to Deepak Chopra. He believes that just like riding a bike learning the skill of being happy is something everyone can do.
Now my question to you is this —
Might sound at first like a really obvious question however, I have observed in some of my clients a very STRONG resistance to being happy.
They SAY they want to be happy yet take all the steps to literally be MISERABLE. They are sure if they can obtain happiness (like a wild firefly on the loose) then all would be GOOD IN THE WORLD and in their life.
I can remember a time when I felt like if I just lost weight then I would be happy.
If my daughter would just really be ok then I could breathe and be happy. If I could just get out of debt then I will be happy. If just this or that, then…
Do you have a couple of IF this ______, then that ______ in your life?
Here is the bottom line about happiness:
Now I might get a ton of flack about this one. I have actually debated it with many of my friends and colleagues. But I stand firm that happiness, joy and deep peace are a choice. They are a BUNCH of choices I will give you that. It takes a bunch of steps.
Yet, as you have heard me say over and over (FOR A GOOD REASON) its step by step and choice by choice that all momentum, shift and change occur.
So for today I have this one question to ask your self and take action on it this week.
So you simply have to believe and be willing. For some this is the HARDEST PART and I get it I really do. A lifetime of choices could have led you to believe that happiness will never happen for you.
That is a limiting belief that will do nothing but HOLD YOU BACK and allow you BEAT YOURSELF UP.
So for today, then take tomorrow, then the next day are you willing to practice?
I set my mind to practice something through intentions. Here is one I do about this topic:
“Today I am willing to practice believing that I can experience happiness.”
Period. Dot. Com.
That is all you have to say and do each day and if necessary through out the day.
One step, One choice, One action.
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