When you think of a rebel what is the image you think of?
James Dean? Madonna? These are the two I think of.
I realized the other day I have a rebel inside of me. And it acts just about how the two of them act. The difference is how it shows up in my life.
I remember being rebellious as a teen. I stayed out late, I talked back to my folks (well that didn’t happen too often LOL). I actually ran away from home a couple of times as well. I was unhappy, sure I knew it all, and just wanted to be on my own. Of course I had NO idea what the heck that meant. I just knew I didn’t want to be where I was at?
I didn’t want to be where I was at. Can you relate?
Whether as a child, a teen, a young adult and beyond I found myself in situation after situation I didn’t want to be in. How in the world did this keep happening over and over and over?
I was unhappy inside and out. I felt torn apart. No one really understood me. How could they I didn’t understand myself? I didn’t have any wise guides in my life when I was a teen and so choices threw me to the left and then to the right. Moving back and forth along the emotional and physical continuum of those choices. Extremes is what I call it now. Way left and then counteract it by going Way right.
I just kept moving and choosing and doing the next thing. You have heard me talk about the chaos at home, then the chaos when I had my daughter and as I moved through young adult hood. (If you haven’t you can read more about it here.)
When I began to work on unwinding the choices I had made in my life and work on my health I changed my diet, my exercise and my supplements. I chose whole foods, moved more and was diligent about taking my supplements. I actually had been stringent on my medication and supplements for years.
When I created my freedom and really embraced working on my health my rebel surfaced. I didn’t see it at first. I kept making choices and then wondering why I was not doing what I had always done? It was confusing to me. I had mentors now, support people in my life and they all told me it was ok just get back on track.
Back on track…….I would say yes and then not do it.
For the past three years I have been on again off again with certain things like eating only what supports my body, taking the supplements I know I need to take to support my body back to balance, and moving more. So fast forward to today. I am working with my functional health coach and on a call with her the other day and she said that is your rebel. WHAT? SAY WHAT? OMG. It’s true. That is what has been happening.
I have a REBEL inside of me. I have never named her. But she is really my rebel.
I want to friend my REBEL. If I don’t we will be at odds and I will never be able to truly allow my body to come back to balance. And working on my human body, the one and only one that God gave me is REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME. I am 59 years old now and feel like I am finally at a point to tackle it all. I have made a mess of my health. Its fixable. Yet NOT if I don’t make friends with my REBEL.
So how do I do that? How do YOU do that?
Let’s break it down. (Remember mine shows us as food choices, taking or not taking supplements I know I need and not moving more. YOURS might show up as not paying bills on time, not making a budget, getting irritable in relationships and or not taking responsibility for things and MANY MANY MANY more things that are unique to YOUR rebel. )
1. I am the CEO of my BODY MIND AND SOUL
a. DO I have my WHY clearly and specifically broken down so I KNOW IT.
2. Not just I want to lose weight, be healthy etc..
3. So creating a why that makes you cry and HUMMMMMMMMMMMM inside is critical. Here is mine:
I want to be congruent INSIDE AND OUT.
It would look like this and feel in tune with myself.
This is so important to me. I have felt like two and three people all at once in my life and I want my human body to be in balance as my heart, mind and soul are.
4. So once you have your why then every choice gets put through THAT Filter.
a. Does it support my why? Does it support my Intention of feeling and living in balance?
5. Here is the BIGGEST thing that has to happen once you know YOUR specific why and intention you have to have a talk with your REBEL. A serious talk. You have to get your rebel on board and let her know what you are going for and how amazing it will be and feel. Don’t fire your rebel or you will be continuing to have that friction show up. YOU are the ceo and your rebel is a part of the process but not in CHARGE of it.
6. So now you have your rebel on board with a new job description. I had a talk with mine last night. I asked her to help me. Support me. Be a part of the team and get us where we need to be so we can really have some fun. She is on board.
So now, every choice goes through my filter. Does it support me to reach that?
I want to hear from you. How does your rebel show up? What is your why? Let me know if the comments below.
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